50 Acres Mango Farm Land For Sale Besides NH65 Hyderabd-Vijayawada Highway

50 Acres Mango Farm Land For Sale Besides NH65 Hyderabd-Vijayawada Highway

25 lakh per acre.
Clear Title.
Red soil.
BT Road.
Guest House.
50 Acres Mango Farm Land For Sale Besides NH65 Hyderabd-Vijayawada Highway

As time goes on, so do mango trees. Seemingly unusual, mango trees are now 6 feet tall. The normal height of a mango tree can be anywhere between 30 to 40 feet.

This is thanks to agricultural researchers who have developed technology that limits the growth of mango trees. On a farm in Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, large ripe mangoes hang close to the ground, some of which even brush against the soil. The mango garden has the look and feel of a tea garden - small plants are regularly pruned. Reminder - this is not a bonsai, a Japanese style plantation that miniaturizes tall plants.

Those who run the farm say that first-time visitors' distrust is common when they see the fruit grow so low. The immediate questions follow: Did anything happen to these mangoes? Are they safe to eat?

About Mango Farm Land

There are two types of mangoes on the farm - Totapuri and Alfonso. They are safer, and no different than the mangoes grown on a regular-sized tree, slightly less sweet, assuring the team behind the technology.

The secret to the short height of these mango trees is the ultra-density farming method. It significantly conserves water and land resources by using drip irrigation and high tree densities combined with a special pruning process. This method also reduces the time taken to bring new mango plants to maturity.

"Under Ultra-Density Agriculture, mango trees are planted in rows 4x2 meters from each other. Spacing is 4 meters between rows and 2 meters between plants. Comparatively, traditional mango gardens have a 10X10 meter spacing," says Velmurugan Jain Irrigation .

The yield in ultrah-density gardens is much higher due to the tight spacing of plants compared to conventional gardens. The traditional all-India average yield of mangoes in traditional gardens is 2.5-3 tonnes per acre. In the case of ultrah-density plantations, this average grows to 9 to 10 acres per year.

Because the trees are small, they are cut every year after harvest, which is usually done in April and May. Pruning targets branches that do not bear fruit.

How Much Profit You can Yield from Mango Farms

"The trees supply only the water they need. The trees take three years to mature. Like normal trees, it takes 7 to 8 years," says Velmurugan.

Jain Irrigation supplies mango pulp to juice manufacturers, and is used in the famous mango drink maja, including large companies like Coca Cola. Farming is part of a joint project called Project Existing between two companies. Coca-Cola India says the project aims to exploit the high productivity potential of mango farms and help small-scale farms owners increase crop yields and improve their livelihoods.

Under this project, farmers will be guaranteed returns on their land after three years of plantation. According to Jain Irrigation, Ultra-Density farming has yielded higher returns for farmers because of higher yields.

Mango Products

However, these are early days. So far, the project in Chittoor has about 350-400 farmers. Jain Irrigation and Coca-Cola are trying to reach more and more small farmers. With Coca-Cola's aggressive plan for Maja in India, this project is likely to get more.

The project team plans to reach about 25 thousand farmers and cultivate 50,000 acres of mango trees in the coming years. The idea is to increase mango production and double maja sales by 2023.

"Coca-Cola Company and its bottlers in India are collecting 70,000 metric tonnes of mango worth Rs 500 crore annually. By 2023, if Maja becomes the first $ 1 billion juice drink brand from India, the Coca Cola system in India will be collecting 2 lakh metric tonnes of mangoes annually. Rs, thereby helping 100,000 farmers, ”Coca-Cola India Te Ipindi.

Mango Farm Land For Sale
Mango Farm Land For Sale

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